Tuesday Tisane Ceremony

Each ceremony has a balance of ritual and structure and flow, no two gatherings are ever the same, yet is always a reliable place to be seen, heard and felt within a community setting. Whether the group plays games, or sings songs, or sits in silence, or supports a community member, everyone is welcomed as they are, whatever they are going through, with curiosity, compassion and care.

RSVP details will be sent out Monday morning for that week’s ceremony. To join the group, click here:

Sign Up

“Every time I enter into one of these ceremonies, my state shifts from beginning to end. No matter what I may be coming in with on an emotional or circumstantial level, I leave feeling inspired, connected, grateful, and deeply fortunate for the amazing people that choose to show up each week with vulnerability, transparency, depth and playfulness.”

— Brett

Ceremony Details


Operating since August 2019, Tuesday Night Tisane Ceremonies were born from a desire to feel more connected to community in Los Angeles. Brett was tired of shouting over people at bars and looking for a place absent of small talk and enriched by healthy consumption. Brett instinctively started serving herbal infusions to himself, friends and clients as a way to enhance his health and create more opportunities for ceremony and connection.

Brett fell in love with communal tea service after setting up an impromptu ‘tea lounge’ at a festival in 2018, and decided to set up shop in his backyard. He spent the next ten months building a canvas yurt which served the community for over three years and survived lockdown by transitioning online for a whole year.

After the original yurt fell apart in the beginning of 2023, Brett and his dear friend Aidan McCarthy set out to design and build a whole new structure, with the aid of several community members, which completed construction in the spring of 2024. It is officially now The Temple Of The Yummy Heart and happily houses Tuesday Night Tisane Ceremonies.


Every Tuesday, the night starts by welcoming everyone into the space and inviting a community member to lead in some sort of presence or grounding experience. Once the group collectively chooses what will be imbibed for the evening, the first cup is poured and everyone is invited to drink in silence, with the intention of bringing presence into the individual experience. Then everyone goes around and checks in with each other through specific prompts. From there, the night is unplanned and evolves based on communal consensus and desire.

After the ceremonial portion of the evening is brought to a close, the sauna and cold plunge are turned on and available for anyone that wants to stay and participate.


Arrival is at 7:00 PM for newcomers 7:15 PM for returning attendees. Brett will host an introduction to the space at 7:00 PM and the ceremony will start promptly at 7:30 PM. Ceremonies usually wrap up around 9:00-9:30 PM depending on the energy of the space. Afterward all are welcome to use the sauna and cold plunge.


The ceremony takes place in the Temple of the Yummy Heart. The temple is located in the neighborhood of Highland Park, in Northeast Los Angeles. Address and parking information will be sent via email when you sign up for the list.

Herbal Infusions

Within the Temple of the Yummy Heart, exists a vast library of over 60 herbs that is shared with the community every Tuesday night. The group, as a collective, decides what they would like to imbibe each ceremony and hand crafts a unique herbal blend of flower, leaves, twigs, barks and roots.

Energy Exchange

Brett receives gratitude in all forms including; acknowledgment, hugs, spreading the word, crystals, and signing up for future events and offerings. You are welcome to make a monetary contribution if you feel inspired, however, donations are not required. Donations are welcome: @theyummyheart on Venmo

The Crystal Library

A lovely way to express gratitude is to bring a crystal, mineral, or stone to live in The Yummy Heart Temple. By leaving a crystal, you ensure a piece of you is always present at tea ceremonies, even if your physical body isn't there. You are also welcome to borrow a crystal after ceremony if there is one that speaks to you. All of the crystals together help to charge up the energy of the temple and add to the energetic vortex of the space.

Sauna + Cold Plunge

The sauna and cold plunge will open up after ceremony. Bring an optional bathing suit or sarong, towel and non-glass water bottle if you wish to participate.

The Temple

Set in a serene garden in North East Los Angeles, filled with chirping birds and soothing breeze, the temple's cozy vibes are home to a large selection of teas and tisanes.


If you have any further questions, please reach out to Brett via the Contact page and he will be happy to answer them.

Tuesday Tisane Ceremony FAQ

Can I bring more than one friend?

Yes, the RSVP link will limit you to an additional 2 guests, however, if you would like to bring more, please contact Brett directly.

Do you serve caffeinated tea?

Rarely. To respect the later start time, the main offering is tisane, which is commonly known as ‘herbal tea’ or ‘herbal infusions.’ Sometimes there will be an appearance of cacao, which contains theobromine that, for some, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. There are other more stimulating herbs that may be served as well, however, those are always named beforehand.

Is this a cult?

It can be if you want to be : ) Just kidding. In actuality, nothing is ever mandatory throughout the ceremony, everything's an invitation to be either accepted or declined, and there isn’t a specific dogma or belief system that is promoted. Everyone is welcome, and while this is not a cult per se, there is the intention to create culture around compassionate, caring, connection.

How much does it cost?

These gatherings are free for everyone. There is never a requirement of payment or reciprocity. And, if you feel inspired to share your gratitude in the form of payment, it will be received as a donation towards the maintenance of Tuesday Tisane Gatherings.

The Yummy Heart Blend

The Yummy Heart's signature tisane blend contains:

  • Hawthorn Leaves
  • Linden Flowers
  • Rose Buds
  • Blue Butterfly Pea
  • Elder Flowers

Brett is working on packaging it to be able to sell to you soon. Stay tuned for more.

"I started working with herbal decoctions and infusions when I gave up caffeine a few years ago as a desperate alternative for drinking water. I discovered subtle shifts in my mood and behavior as I began experimenting with single herbs and tea blends. Not only did it open a door into the vast and magical world of herbal remedies but also created a ritual and practice of self care that I discovered to have great impact on my daily routine. 

Sharing a cup of tea is an intimate and delightful sensory experience which invites feelings of trust, bonding, and safety. I work with tea in every session and will send you home with some so you may continue your own exploration."

— Brett

  • Brett has created a magical space with the Yummy Heart Temple and the Tuesday Night Tea Gatherings. The consistency of having a weekly safe space to share openly, learn about herbs, and to meet like-minded community is such a treasure. I am so grateful to be a part of The Yummy Heart community.

    — Shelby Nico Bryant

  • Meeting in person amongst the magical garden oasis he has created, the trust, love and safety of the space is heart and soul warming. The community he has curated is truly remarkable. It’s an opportunity to be vulnerable, without judgment, where space is held for all in attendance for whatever they may need. It’s a space to listen, laugh, cry, talk or just be present, whilst imbibing delicious tisane blends.  Brett’s knowledge and passion for healing and herbs is contagious. Tuesday Tea nights are exciting, fun and a truly remarkable experience, which I am so grateful to be a part of from inception and so very excited to witness the continuous evolution and expansion of The Yummy Heart.

    — Kim Kicks

  • A rare gem in the back of Brett’s garden, that anchors you in community. Navigated with such care and ease with Brett at the helm, a mixture of regulars and strangers hold space for one another, no judgement, no questions asked, only being heard and held, in joy and darkness. A powerful reminder of the importance of community, and the ancient wisdom and healing benefits of tisanes.  Thank you Brett.

    — Alicia Sadler